Mensaje de IFSW Europa a nuestros compañeros trabajadores/as sociales daneses

"Como trabajadores sociales, sólo podemos reforzar la creencia de que la solidaridad y la democracia son las respuestas a una coexistencia pacífica de la humanidad a nivel local, regional y mundial"

Message to our Danish Colleagues

Following the terrorist attacks that took place last Saturday in the city of Copenhagen, our thoughts go these days to our friends and colleagues in DS, the Danish Association of Social Workers, our member organisation. 
We are hoping that all Danish colleagues are unharmed. 
We are hoping also that the social workers, who are to help in the current crisis phase (which has affected the life of people from Copenhagen and all Denmark) can provide the professional support to those in need. 
We extend condolences to the families of the victims. 
We express our solidarity with our closest friends and colleagues in Denmark. 
As social workers, we can only reinforce the belief that solidarity and democracy are the answers to a peaceful coexistence of humanity locally, regionally and globally. 
Warm Regards – from the

Executive Committee of IFSW Europe